Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Trying to be good

This is me trying to pack for five days. I have managed to reduce my suitcase space to half, so that Bert can have half. I am only taking 5 pairs of shoes. It took me half the day! It is hard!!

Real Estate

SO, I have decided to just try Real Estate all by itself for a few months and see what happens. Fingers crossed, peeps. This is the first time in a long time I haven't had two jobs. I make sure to have lots of things to report to Bert, I want him to know I am truly working and not eating bon-bons all day.

I think what Bert likes the best about this job is how clean the house is! AND, on Mon night I cooked dinner. Enough dinner that he could pack his lunch so far this week. The grocery shopping is done, the house is clean, there is food in the ref, laundry is washed and put away....OMG I am f'ing Martha Stewart!!!! AHHHH!!!! Make it stop!!! I need more businnes because I can't go on like this! :)

I'm packing for New Orleans!! I'm going to meet the sinners of Berts family! YAY! No one to judge me!!!!!