Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Musing of 27

I have now been 28 for a few days. The best comment people can say is, "WoW gettin' close to thirty?! Aren't you old?" UGH! I am excited for 30, bring it on! But, I degress or is it digress??
ANYWHOO, 27. What a fabulous year. Just like wine, vodka and a lot of other expensive things I get better with age. I would never want to be 21 again. I'm glad I made some big mistakes when I did, when it didn't matter as much and so much wasn't on the line.
At 27 the following things happened -
1. The hardest thing. I spent the first full year of my life without my
grandpa, that sucked, it was hard and I still miss him.
2. I was accepted in a PhD program and I refused a PhD program
3. I started my career and it has been the best decision I could have made! I
love it AND I am good at it :) 4 transaction in one week (my personal best,
I hope to repeat it often)
4. I have found my core group of friends and strengthened my outer (live to
far away) group as well.
5. I have found me. I have found my inner FABULOUSNESS, my inner DIVA,my
inner CRAZY CRAZY Girl, and I have not had to compromise that at all.
6. I have fell more madly and more deeply in love with Bert. This past year
solidified my decision that he can either marry me or be locked in a
basement :)
7. I had a great year, too much fun, too much wine, too much excess but I
think I kept myself in check enough to allow karma to be kind.
8. We bought a house - and a super cute wonderful house at that!
9. We adopted a dog - and a super cute wonderful hot mess he is :)
10. I grew up just enough to realize how lucky I have been, how blessed my life is and how thankful I am that my parents still like me!!

I am looking forward to more years of being wonderful. Hopefully next year I am closer to being married ;)

Friday, May 1, 2009

More Maps

visited 47 states (94%)
Create your own visited map of The United States or another interesting project

These are all the states my dad has been to! Anyone for a week in Hawaii???

visited 38 states (76%)
Create your own visited map of The United States or Best time to visit Charlottenburg

This is my mommies...we will let her go to Hawaii with us.

visited 32 states (64%)
Create your own visited map of The United States or Like this? try: Sea Level Rise

And...this is my new one! YAY! Three new states on this trip :)