Thursday, February 3, 2011

Another Secret

The camera pans in on the cutest old lady - Fabulously dressed, quick with a response.

What is the secret to your looooong marriage?


How awesome is that answer? Laughter! How simple? But sometimes it is not simple, sometimes I don't want to laugh I just want to be cranky. But, then Bert is funny enough that I have to laugh. Not just any laugh a deep belly laugh. It is a good thing that Bert and I find ourselves super funny and witty.

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Secret

I love old people. I love old people couples even more. Whenever I see a cute and in love old couple I have to ask them - what is the secret? What do you wish you knew when you first started?

It is no secret that I am desperate to have a good marriage. I want to do everything right and I want it to be something that a fairy tale will be written about. So - before I forget the sage advice I want to write it down.

Today - A Fabulously Yummy Couple - 65 years of bliss
It was hard to get a straight answer out of these two, they wouldn't stop giggling at each other and interrupting one another. Their secret - Always be desperately in love.

How is easy does that sound? I am hopeful about this secret since I am already desperately in love with Bert. How could I not be? He is AWESOME! And he thinks I am funny, and he dances around the house and sings with me.... awesome, I know.

But, I think it is reminding yourself everyday that you are desperately in love that can be the kicker. It is easy to remember that when life is great, but what about the hard times? What about the mundane days? What about that time you had to move to West Virginia in a months time? Those are the times that I try to work extra hard at remembering he is my lover and soul mate and extra, extra hard showing him he is all of those things plus more. It is sometimes easier to think those things but I have to remember to SHOW and SHOW some more. I don't want him to ever think I am just gliding on by.

Want to share your secret?

Monday, January 3, 2011

How do they do it?

Ladies and even Gentlemen,
In the past few years have you found a new respect for your mother? Are there times in your day when you say, "How the F did she do all this"?
That is what has been going around my head for a bit now. Grant it, my life is nothing like so many of my former classmates. I have a dog, a sometimes needy dog, but that is it. Oh, and a hubby and a sweet little kitty, but nothing like a CHILD. How the F do people have children and go about their days? I sometime resent my dog for having to be let out of his crate and walked. But, I don't have to worry about much else with him.
Over the weekend the Bert and I traveled to DC for some friends and a few adult beverages. On Sunday we met with Bert's cousin who has two precious little girls. Well behaved city girls. (city children are different then any other kinds, but that is a different post) The little ladies had plenty of things to keep them occupied and patient parents and second cousins to listen intently. We ate, we chatted, we were interrupted who knows how many times and it was a lovely brunch. I walked away from the experience even more befuddled. How do they do it, this whole parent thing? Where does the energy come from? Here were two super successful DC folks, with bilingual (and well behaved) children and there were Bert and I ready for a nap.
For the Bert and I, it is a daily chore to get everything done in a day that needs to be done. How do people throw in children on top of those needs? How is it all done? My mother did the following - a mother, a wife, a college student, a cook, a caregiver, a taxi driver and still found time for herself (precious little). But she did all of this things and I can barely manage to finish the laundry. It isn't like I am watching 5 hours of tv a night. Most nights it is none and I am crawling into bed wondering where my day has gone and adding more things onto the "to-do" list for the next day.
I marvel at women who take on so many roles. If women ruled the world, everything would be accomplished by noon. We have a knack for organization and world peace. I'm not sure how my mother did everything and I am grateful she passed down a bit of her womanly abilities to do everything.