Thursday, December 31, 2009


I have composed numerous posts in my head, for whatever reason I have yet to get out of my head and into my computer.

Here it is New Years Eve - where does the time go? Remember being young and thinking time just drags on and on BUT THEN you blink and the next thing you know you are - in college, old enough to drink, approaching ten years since high school, married, have a house, have pets of your own, some have children, people keep looking at your tummy like you are old enough to reproduce (more wine please).... AHHH! Where does the time go?

This year alone I have - adopeted another cat, did well enough in my career to do it again next year, became engaged, became married, my brother turned 40, I'm one more year closer to 30 and once again drank too much :)Went to New Orleans, Las Vegas, Norfolk, Va, CT and home (twice).

2009 was a lovely year. I am excited to see what 2010 holds for everyone.

Here are my goals for 2010
- Make it to Europe
- Produce more in real estate then I did last year
- Try to work on being patient
- Have a better work - life balance (this probably not happen,lets keep it real)
- Continue to be madly in love with Hubby, like madly deeply honeymoon period happy I will work on that until we are dead, I want to be one of those old couples that hold hands and kiss a LOT
- See my parents more then a few times a year or in a an emergency/surgery situation