Saturday, March 13, 2010


I decided this year that I would read more. Less tv, more read. It has helped that we have a netbook and hubby can netflix "Lost" til he falls asleep and I can read, all in one bed! So far here is a list of books that I have read this year -

1. A Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini - I liked this book. I felt connected to the characters and though there was a nice development. I remember being a teenager and feeling helpless over the plight of women in Afghanastian, and that helplessness was refueled with this book.

2. Memory Keepers Daughter - Kim Edwards - Blah, blah, blah. I have never been so happy for a book to end. It was just contrite and uninteresting. I felt no feelings towards the characters or their plights. I even skipped the last page.

3. The Good Wife - Stewart O'Nan - An interesting book. I wouldn't read it again. It was the every day life of the characters, no real climax, no real end.

4. The time of the uprooted -Elie Wiesel - Holly Moses, this is a hard book. I have been out of the academic world too long to grasp this book. It wasn't a book I could read right before going to bed, or after a glass of wine.

5. Remember us : my journey from the shtetl through the Holocaust - Martin Small - I cried and cried. It was a beautiful book and it was nice to have the author skip over the brutality he (and everyone else) endured. It was more about the human spirit and a remembrance of his family and his life. Highly recommended!

6. Daphne : a novel - Justine Picardie - A good book. I like how the author wove the characters and different time periods together. Wasn't a huge fan of the characters, but that is because I view them as whiny women, and I hate whiny women.

Currently on my nightstand
Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister - Gregory Maguire.

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It's How We Roll

In the Horne household there are certain chores that we HATE to do. Sometimes they are not done until our lovely and wonderful and perfect Tammi comes to make our castle sparkle. But, because we have to be adults (sometimes) we have a system that divides the chores evenly...

That is how adults make decisions in our house! Luckily, I win most of the time. Here is a list of items that are on the rock,paper,scissors game board

1. Cleaning the kitty box (we are trying to house break her like we did our other cat)
2. Bringing the sheets up stairs at 11pm so we can make the bed
3. Cleaning the kitty box
4. cleaning the kitty box