Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Christmas Story

This story is a wee-bit late:

As we all know Bert and I eloped. One day just woke up and got married. It was actually planned a lot longer then that, since it is so freakin' time consuming to get married in Pa, but anyway. So with an elopment came "bump watch '09"

Bert thought it would be funny for me to get a little fake pregnancy belly. You know that stage between "is she getting fat" or "is she preggo". hehehe, we did not do that, it would have killed his mother.

SO, I haven't been drinking in front of his family since this elopment, why, more then likely I was nursing a hangover from the night before. On Christmas Eve we were at the BIL *funny because his name is Bill* and I was drinking water. THEN!! The MIL comes into the kitchen and starts to stare at my belly and then smiles at me....I promptly drank a few glasses of wine in front of her, and promised myself more spinning classes in the very near future.