We went to Europe, did you know? Yes! It was our honeymoon (finally, 2 years later). Our dear friends were getting married in The French Countryside and we thought let's go to France and Germany! It was a two week vacation. TWO WEEKS!!
We flew first class, we have a friend who works for the airline. I am now spoiled when it comes to long flights. My own pod that converts to a bed, a glass of champagne when you are arrive, a DESSERT cart!! Oh, first class!
We arrived in Paris in the early morning and took the metro into the city. We were staying with friends for a few days and then going to Cologne, Germany to see a friend. At first I was overwhelmed, I do not speak French, I speak German, and I don't want to be one of those tourists. I had heard so much about the French being rude, but I figured if we based an entire country's personality on one city, I hope no one goes to NYC. To answer the rude question - we had no issues with anyone being rude. I also think that waiters have realized Americans will tip if they have good service.
Day two - The Lourve. I was worried that the line would be out the door and it would crowded, since we had slept in from the jet lag. BUT, the line was not too long and the museum was AMAZING. We spent 5 hours there and barely scratched the surface. We saw the big three and spent a large amount of time in the Egyptian wing. We saw Louis the 16(?) apartments and ate dessert and drank coffee while talking to a couple from New Zealand who were traveling the world for a year.

The next part of our trip was Germany!